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Eye2eye Britain: Our Customers Say...

Cherie Blair and many other enthusiastic customers have written to us with encouraging comments, all much appreciated - many thanks. The following are a selection, customer names shortened to initials and home town for privacy:

"Great pictures - great software. Well done!" - TR, Coventry

"it arrived here this morning and I haven't done much else except enjoy your excellent presentation ... my favourite program. ... My friend ... in ..., Australia really loves Eye2Eye Britain and sings your praises to anyone who will listen. Eye2Eye Britain is giving him an unexpected bonus too. Apart from his recurring delight in travelling down memory lane, others hearing of the show are asking if they can fetch their wife; mother; friend; kids to see it." - BT, Sunderland

"Congratulations, great pictures easily found." - T, Carterton

"I am writing to you to tell you how pleased I am with the recently purchased CD-ROM of Eye2eye Britain, it really is superb and the quality of the photographs is excellent" - HW, Swadlincote

"I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you and your team for producing such a superb product. ... The graphical interface I found very pleasing and simple to understand, the quality of the pictures contained are excellent and I am sure I will have many hours of entertainment from your product. ... WELL DONE TEAM" - RG, Lowestoft

"EXCELLENT!!" - PS, Carlyon Bay

"I am very impressed with this product." - LI, London

Armchair touring
11,000 photos
Press comment
Blair's praise

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